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What is S.E.L.F.?

S.E.L.F. is an empowerment program that provides workshops dedicated to inspire and guide girls toward their authentic self. S.E.L.F. helps girls learn how to improve their self-awareness, self-confidence, communication and decision-making skills through their individual power.

Who Does S.E.L.F. Help?
S.E.L.F. seeks to help children and youth between the ages of 5 and 18 succeed in their transition to adulthood.

Who is Eligible?
S.E.L.F. is eligible for any girl in elementary throughout high school. Some of our services are specifically school based but we also offer programming to the general public. New sessions are typically offered in the Fall and Spring. Subscribe to our email list. It is a great way to stay knowledgeable.

How We Do It?
We facilitate the transformation of girls through group work. We engage students in a wide range of activities that focus on the S.E.L.F. model coupled with reflection to enrich learning outcomes. Themes of discussion range from attitudes and values, family and respect to human dignity, self-management and personal aspirations.

What is the S.E.L.F. Model?
Self-Determination:  Girls explore self-concept while understanding the process of how to establish something wanted or desired through determination. Self-concept is a mental perception of who you are as a person to include behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics. Girls will be able to test their strengths and limitations through real world experiences involving risks, slip-ups and reflection with real outcomes.
Empowerment:  Students will learn how to set realistic goals, problem-solve, make decisions and think critically to better gain control over their minds. It is the process for becoming stronger and more confident in one's ability. Girls will have the opportunity to make choices that can be catalysts for desired actions and outcomes. This session aims to teach girls how to use specific strategies to reduce, eliminate, combat and reverse self-doubt and fear.
Love:  This influential workshop teaches girls how to love themselves and others through respect, by learning to accept themselves and others for who they are. If we regard others’ needs and desires as highly as we regard our own, it can build group atmospheres and inner environments of trust, safety, and wellbeing. To spread love, we must model it.  To model it, we must know it. Love is a commitment to not just honor and accept oneself, but to also pursue what is good for others by chasing what is best for you. Love is more than a feeling.  It is a motivation for action.
Freedom:  Girls will learn how to attract positive thoughts and paths with intentionality through the recognition and transformation of negative thinking patterns. By cultivating positive influences, we ignite individual power. Freedom comes in two variants, freedom “from,” or to eliminate things that harm us; and freedom "to,” or developing the power and awareness to choose things that benefit us. Both are crucial to our self-development and growth.

How Much Does S.E.L.F. Cost?

S.E.L.F. seeks the support of grants, sponsorships and in-kind donations to keep the program affordable. Although S.E.L.F. is designed for everyone, our target audiences are girls who are troubled and in need of empowerment and self-awareness. Typically, we serve economically disadvantaged families, but programming is also enthusiastically offered to girls who may need a boost or desire growth opportunities. Workshop sessions are offered for groups of 4 or more. There is a maximum of 15 girls per group work session.  Overall cost is determined by program length. This enables us to optimize higher-order thinking.  Please contact us for speaking engagements or pricing information. 

Does S.E.L.F. Accept Volunteers?
There are times when volunteers will be selected to support programming. However, most of our volunteer opportunities are geared towards professional women who want to inspire and guide girls through speaking opportunities specific to their area of expertise or industry.

What Can I Do To Help?
Please contact to find out about our current program needs. Specific information on in-kind donations and sponsorship support can be provided in further detail. S.E.L.F. appreciates monetary and in-kind donations.

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